Thank you so much to everyone sending kind words of support. Marc is doing ok, he has broken one of the bones around the front of his ribs, so just rest is the order of the day. You've all been so sweet. Talking of sweet I just heard that I won THE most gorgeous bracelet from Tracy of Pink Purl, such a lovely surprise :) Tracy is the kindest soul and makes such fabulous jewellery, Click here to check out her blog.
Inspired by all the kindess of friends this week for myself and Marc I have hand knitted a sweet outfit for Georgie bear to keep him warm and hand made a felt button with the words WARMTH embroidered. The warmth of friendship surrounds us and hugs us just as a teddy does. Georgie is available on my website.
I have also been taking photos of the birds in my garden this weekend, so will add some photos over the next few days. Thanks again everyone, Catherine x
I just found you through Tracy's blog. Your bears are awesome.....
Hi there! I came here from Tracy's blog. Glad to read that it wasn't worse for your fiancee. I send good thoughts for a speedy recovery. I love your bears! Congrats on winning the prize on Tracy's blog.
Hi, Catherine! So very glad to know that Marc is doing better, and that with rest he'll be on the mend! :o) Georgie looks so happy and toasty with his new, wonderful scarf. He looks ready to bear the rest of winter--LOL! I look forward to sending you my bracelet late this week--so very glad to send you this little gem to cheer you. Happy Day, my friend ((HUGS))
Hi Catherine, have just come over via Tracy- so sorry to hear about your chps accident but glad they were all ok (ish)-crikey, must have scared the pants off you all. Your bears are very sweet and I will pop back soon to catch up more!
anna x
Catherine, I'm so sorry your fiance was in an auto accident. I'm sorry I hadn't read this earlier. Glad he's getting on well and heals quickly. Love your bears.
I'm so glad Marc is doing okay.
Congrats on winning the beautiful bracelet!
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