I brought my latest bear to life yesterday and he found a new Mum at lightening speed, he was rather fun to create...
Henry dreams of castles surrounded by deep moats where dragons sleep and knights defend! He is a one of a kind 15" Bumpkin Bear. He is brought to life with faboulous heritage style English mohairs which I have created into a rather regal ginger coloured outfit set off with a genuine antique lace collar. I have had this lace for many many years and Henry seemed like the perfect bear to wear it.
I called him Henry after King Henry VIII of England due to his love of castles. Henry was King from 1491 to 1547 and according to many paintings he was on the large side so Henry bear has a lovely big beary tummy too!

Onto my next bear today, I wonder which character will appear, I do love seeing how they appear when I am making them. Beary Hugs, Catherine x
Henry does look a very majestic fellow! He is beautiful...And such joy he has found a new home to good to--great news! Happy week, my friend ((HUGS))
You constantly outdo yourself! He is just too precious.
It does amaze me ... all of your creativity! And how you live your dream of making these bears. I have dreams of making things but I haven't followed mine.
You are an inspiration to me!
Thank you so much, it means so much to hear your kind words, it pushes me to keep creating new characters :) Catherine x
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