Once I have downloaded alllll the photos we took I'll show you some here on my blog.
My cats and the bears seem to have all been well behaved, although I suspect there was probably a party or two and some midnight honey feasts!!
I am delighted to say that I have a lovely feature in the current June issue of Teddybear Club International magazine. Henry and Milo are featured with a great write up, if you click on the image below you can read the full size version. Both Milo and Henry have found special new homes.

I'd better dash, lots of washing, unpacking and bear making to start!! Will be back soon with holiday photos. Hugs, Catherine x
Congratulations on the magazine feature. I hope you are relaxed after your holiday!
Glad you enjoyed your hols, looking forward to the pics! I love the bears in the mag , well done.
Ginie-Lee x
I love the expression on Henry's face. x
Can't wait for photos of your trip...glad you had a lovely time! Such a wonderful thing with your feature...your bears have the sweetest expressions. Thanks so much for your email. We're back online at last--so I will write more soon! Happy weekend ((BIG HUGS))
Somehow I had missed this post. And you have had a write up on you!!! FAbulous!!!
You are living your dream, girl! I am so happy for you ... soaring to such heights.
Way to go.
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