I've been really busy creating some custom order bears, we've had a few sunny days so got to take some photos in my garden and I even saw a little mole scuttling across my patio when I was sat on our garden bench!! I have never seen a mole in real life, he was so cute even if he is creating hills all over our lawn! But my garden is for the wildlife, when we arrived here there were no plants, it is now full of mature shrubs and amazingly I have counted 5 bird nests last week in different shrubs, so I guess the birds approve of my hard work :)
I'd also love you to meet Izzy, a sweet little girl that I created specially as a custom order for a lovely customer in the states. I hand dyed her pretty pink kid mohair and she has the cutest soft blue eyes.
I love to hear from my bears new families and I have been delighted to receive lots of photos from Captain's new Mum, Marjie. He is one very happy bear in his new home with all his sea faring buddies, do take a look at the special photo album that she has made over at webshots, just copy and paste this website -
Here are also a few lovely photos that Marjie sent me.

Bears can bring so much delight and comfort to our lives, it's such a good feelng that I can bring to life bears that give so much joy to people all over the world.
Tomorrow is the Gala Event at the National Zoo in Washington where there will be the silent auction for the benefit panda conservation - my little baby panda Wo-Li Boo will be making his performance so I hope he is a good boy :)
I am starting to work on a new pattern that I have had in my mind for a while now so watch this space :)
Hugs, Catherine x
Oh, Catherine; Thank you so much for mentioning Captain and about my album that I have started on Webshots. He is such a joy to have here and when I picked him up from the post office, I could hardly wait to open the box. I opened it right in my car so that he could enjoy the ride home in the open air. I picked him up and gave him a big welcoming hug, how sweet he was. He has made friends with my other seafaring bears, so you can imagine what a great time he is having here. He is even smitten with my Emma, another seafaring bear who seems equally taken with him. Yesterday, they went to see Puget Sound together. More adventures coming up! Bear Hugs, Marjie
Marjie, it is heart warming to hear what a great new life he has with you and the bears. Thanks for the photos I'll add them straight here onto the blog.
Catherine xx
Oh how lovely! It's a tough time when the time comes to package a bear up to be sent to his new home, but the joy to hear that they have arrived safe and sound is great isn't it?!
Your new bear is the most yummy color. Every time I look at her I think of blancmange! Yum!
Hugs, Sarah x
Catherine, little Izzy is absolutely lovely.... such a sweet face and her colour is beautiful..
Hi Catherine - I've purchased some furry stuff to play with - I'm quite excited but it hasn't come out the bag yet! I find my teddy bear SO comforting ... I hug him every night all night ... although some might think I am too old for such things ;-) It must be a wonderful feeling for you to know that people are getting that feeling of love and security from your bears too.
Izzy is a sweetheart, I love that name. Looks like the local residents approve of your garden because they're taking up residence and the pictures look so good, especially the one with the flower. Hope everything goes well at the gala.
Hi Catherine, Captain looks like he's enjoying himself , what a lucky bear and how sweet of Marjie to share the photos. All the hard work you did in your garden has certainly paid off! Good luck with your panda bear, and give Izzy a hug from me,
Ginie-Lee x
The catch up with Captain has made me smile, what an adorable fella, and Izzy is a lovely pink lady. I have birds which make nests in our hedging but I haven't ever been up close enough to photograph any nests, a privilege for you. I do hope the sweet panda wows the audience at the auction. Good luck! x
Lovely pics Catherine and your pink bear is so pretty!
wow your bears are soo cute! i love the pictures from the happy parents. :D i have heard panda bears are feisty. so good luck w/ Wo-Li Boo. :D
thanks for stopping on by. ;D
Its really nice that your collector shares pictures of your bear like that, I often wonder what mine are doing and displayed like. Thats so good. I love your little pink lady too, so cute
Hi, Catherine! So nice to come back from holiday and catch up with you...and see your sweet bears--they are such happy creatures! So glad all is well and very creative for you at the moment, and with sunshine to ice the cake! We're just back from London--had FAB time! This weekend we'll be resting travel-weary feet and doing laundry...vacation's over--LOL! Happy Days ((HUGS))
How fun that you got to see that mole and that the animals love your garden so much. That's capital!
Glad your bears' families are enjoying their new family members so much.
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