What a fabulous summer we are having right now in Belgium!!! Someone has forgotten to send the Sunshine and has sent rain, wind and more rain for weeks now. We just had a huge thunderstorm with torrential rain and I took some snaps out of our living room window, there is my little veg patch drowning under the water and the view of my roses across the fields which you can't even see it's so dark at 4pm in the afternoon!! Please someone send us some sun!
My new bear is coming along, he's going to be a rather traditional ted made of gorgeous soft gold mohair with a different head shape to normal which I hope will give him a sweet look too. Promise to share photos once he has come fully to life :) Hugs, Catherine x
Oh no - drowned carrots? What will be bunnies do? Looking forward to seeing the soft golden bear - he already sounds regal!
I know the feeling, it's been just the same here in Yorkshire but I woke up to sunshine this morning and the promise of a warmish week. Hope it is the same for you.
We have had our fair share of this terrible weather in the UK too. At the moment we do have a little sunshine though. Let's hope for much better weather for you in Belgium, and the sooner the better. If your seedlings have survived this drench, they should do well after their watering. x
Oooo...it VERY soggy there at the moment...Hope you have a good umbrella & wellies handy ;o) And hope very much the sun returns soon. Happy Days ((HUGS))
I am guessing the carrots will be good for stew.
ha ha.
Hope sun gets to you soon! But enjoy the thunderstorms. I would love to have a few over here!
p.s. You could always visit California. It NEVER rains here. Next to never, anyways. Sunshine is on the menu EVERY day, ALL day.
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