I don't know where the week has gone, I've been so busy bringing a new bear to life that I've not had time to pop by the blog, thanks for waiting around :)
I'd love you to meet Milly, she is a little sweetheart of a bear with the cutest lavender outfit and precious girlie silk bow and ribbon. She just loves being in the garden and can often be found sat near the lavender watching the bumble bees and smelling the wonderful scent. She is available for adoption and you can see all her adoption information on my website Click here to take a look at all her photos.
I'm glad you have all enjoyed the photos of Sissinghurst gardens, next on my trip was Scotney Castle and Manor, it was with the same family since 1778 and in 1835 architects and a garden designer were commissioned to create the landscape gardens and castle. It really is the most romantic place set deeply in the beautiful rolling hills of the Kent countryside. I hope you enjoy experiencing a bit of it through my photos. (click on them for full screen views)

Next to show will be the fabulous gardens of Great Dixter, so pop back soon. Thanks for leaving comments, it is always lovely to hear from you all :) Catherine x
Oh, what a sweetie-pie is Milly! I love her expression...And so enjoying all your holiday photos, Catherine! We didn't have enough time to get to Scotney Castle...hopefully next time! You photos are magical...Happy weekend ((HUGS))
Oh my goodness!!! A REAL castle!!!! I am so jealous and want to be there now!! I have never seen a castle in real life, how amazing!! Beautiful photos =)
What beautiful pictures!!! I have to agree with Melly and Rosie.... a REAL CASTLE! We're not used to that sort of scenery here in Australia!!! Your bears are gorgeous! :)
Milly is just gorgeous, she looks so at home sitting in the lovely field of lavender. Nice views from Scotney Castle and a very pretty herbaceous border. I enjoyed reading about it and seeing the photos as I haven't ever been, another one for the list! x
she is a cutie. i love the picture of the castle and reflection! :) so nice.
Beautiful photo's, beautiful Bear and I love lavender!
I think Dilly will love the photo's of the castle, too!
Milly seems to be looking at me and saying: "Why haven't you picked me up and HELD ME yet?" HEr face just insists on it! Cute lavendar bow, too. Very well made.
I LOVE the castle pictures. I too have never seen a real castle, unless you count "Hearst Castle" here in San Simeon California. Sometime google it and you'll see that it is somewhat like a castle ... but not EXACTLY ...really enjoyed the castle photos. Can't wait to do some more sight seeing!
Sorry I've been a bad blog visitor.
Haven't been making the rounds too much this summer. Really trying to spend a lot of time with the kids and on the house ... just not finding enough time for everything to fit in my day!
I'll be back as often as I possibly can though because I love your blog. Especially excited to see more trip photos! Love those.
wow WOW and more WOW! I adore Milly and your pics are incredible - have to go read more....
HEY! Do your Bears like Synchronized Sitting? We're having an Olympic event of it tomorrow on my blog. If you can get a hug together for a sit, take a photo and let me know- post it here or email it to me! There' a prize for the best sit!
I just came from Bob's place. =)Lovely Milly and what beautiful pictures you have here, thanks so much for sharing.
Good luck at the Bear's Olympics!
Catherine, thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving your lovely comments. I have been here to visit your page before and am totally in love with your bears! How wonderful that you were at Scotney Castle! You were just ten minutes down the road from us! It is very beautiful there! My boss goes shooting there every autumn.
Catherine! Milly is adorable! Another sweetheart! I too have been a bad blogger visitor but I am going to make it a point to check in regularly. I have enjoyed your photo's so much and I am excited to see what your changes are to your site. Take care and looking forward to more bears and photos!
What a lovely blog and lovely pictures that you have. Your creations are stunnig!
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