The Day Before Christmas
Today was no ordinary day as the sun shone through the winter mist. Lewis appeared at the brow of the hill, shivering as the cold wind whistled through his fur and the snow dripped on his shiny black nose! He did not see the three bears moving out from behind the lone tree. The snowballs came flying towards him before he had time to duck! His brothers were known as a rather mischievous bunch of bears and Lewis, all covered in snow, feared today wasn't going to be any different!

The problem was that they had promised Papa Bear they would be on their best behavior as today was the day before something special called Christmas. Being such young bears they had never heard of this Christmas before but it seemed to be an exciting time in the Village. First thing this morning they were promised a surprise if they were good and gathered lots of red berries getting home before dark. After hearing this they had run all the way across the fields, through the woods and up the hill to the biggest berry bush.
Lewis, being the youngest bear, had been last to get to the top of the hill. It had seemed to take forever to get there but once they had enough berries the bears knew of a much quicker way down! Without a second's thought they were rolling down the hill with the wind in their fur and rather a lot of squashed berries as they landed with a tremendous bump! What a sight they were with red stains all over their fur! What was Papa Bear going to say?
...... (find out what happens next on Monday)
Oh, so very cute! I can't wait to find out what happens next! :)
I hope they had lots of soft snow to land in, and that none of them were hurt!
Love the story! Can't wait to see what happens next:)
Oh er... will he growl? I like your story Catherine. Will watch for the next episode! - Dave
So very cute!Love the story.
Merry christmas
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I have never seen your blog, but I love it! Your illustrations are adorable!
Can't wait to read the next installment tomorrow... : )
Merry Christmas!
I DID it, I actually wrote my 1st blog entry. You inspired me!!!Would you do me the honors of listing me?
My title is" The Plain Vaniila Blog",since I'm such a non tech geek. I have filed what was left of my C-mas card stuff away. I gathered up snowman supplies to make for my winter cards.
If I don't hear from you,I wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM GLOGRABEAR.
Waiting to read the 2nd 1/2 of your story.
Now I have to learn how to edit my errors out. That's what you get for a Scarecrow brain plus I'm not a good typist.
Tell Lewis bear hi!for me.
Have to d/load some pic's on Flickr to get a profiel pic.glograbear
This is so sweet. I love the illustrations. I'll have to return for the rest of the story! We want to wish you and all your bears a Very Merry Christmas! Carol Jean and the bears at The Teddy Bear Diaries. :)
Go to the pic's of who is following your blog. I'm the 6th person on the top row. Click on my pic,it should bring up my blog.I'' on the same"google" blog as you were. That is how I figured out the system was clicking on your followers. I was able to find out slowly how to subscribe to some of your followers Then I found how to make a profile. I wasn't going to write a blog. Then all of a sudden I was typing,which I can't do for long. It's called "A Vaniila blog by glograbear Waiting for your ending.glograbear
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