Stanley is an old fashioned boy that takes such delight in tea parties, even better if there are honey sandwiches without the bread!! At the weekends you can find him head first rummaging in boxes in little antique stores, he insists that you can never have too many china tea cups, you never know when you will have more friends to tea! He is proudly wearing an adorable vintage neck trim.
If you would like to have a life time of love and tea parties then Stanley would be a very happy bear to live with you. All his photos and adoption info can be seen on my website.

Here are the last of my photos from France, taken on the coast near Calais - it was such a clear day I could actually see the white cliffs of Dover in England across the sea!! You can click on the images to see the full size, see if you can spot England!

It's such a lovely sunny day here, time to sit outside and do some drawing. Back soon with some Spring images from my garden. Beary Hugs, Catherine and Stanley xx
Hello Catherine
Stanley is lovely, a very special bear indeed.
Hi, Catherine! And hello sweet Stanley! What a handsome chat he is... I would love to come over and have tea with him. I love tea parties too! You did an exceptionally wonderful job on creating him, Catherine. Love his expression...and that lace collar is lovely for an old-fashioned little guy. I've been so much enjoying your photos from France...That beach at Calais is calling my name...Oh, I want to go! ;o) Thanks for taking us there. Happy Day, my friend ((HUGS))
Stanley is darling! Thanks for the tea! :)
The beach in France looks like a lovely place to visit! :)
Sweet Stanely!Thanks for stopping by and saying hello on my blog! Nice to meet you! Beautiful photos!My husband is from Normandy France.I'm drawn to photos of Europe!Thanks for sharing!
Oh my gosh he's adorable!!! I think he and Hamish would get along famously! Another amazing bear-you are so talented!
Stanley is very cute Catherine all soft and cuddly and I love the rich colour too:o))
Hugs Lyn x
stanley is sweet (even sweeter with all the honey sandwiches)! i love the china teacups too.
what a sweet face stanley has and what a nice tea party too.....The pictures are just breath taking. I could just sit there for hours and just take it all in....Thank you!!! hugs, Jennifer
Stanley is adorable Catherine! His mohair is gorgeous and what melting eyes. He's a real hunny!
Hello Catherine; Stanley is so sweet looking. Love the photo with the tea cup. You do such wonderful work on making your Bears...
ooooohhhhhh!!!! I want Stanley!!!! I will always love Brown Bear...but Stanley...soooo sweet face right there!!!!
Stanley is awfully handsome - just gorgeous.
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