This photo is of the hail stones that landed that someone in the village froze over night and I saw it on the news!

I have been so touched by the kindess of people. On Friday I was outside clearing up all the broken tiles when the postman came along with a parcel for me! To my delight there was the sweetest little box of sweets with a gorgeous teddy on the front with a sweet teddy notecard from one of my collectors here in Belgium to brighten my day after all the damage we had from the storm (thank you Peter) .

I had this sweet note from Lewis and Bailey , two of my bears that are in their cosy new home.

Since being part of the teddy world I have to say that I have met the nicest people. I just love hearing from people when they have received their adopted bears, it really makes all my efforts worth while when I hear how happy my bears make people. This week I received these kind messages from England and The States, Colbyhas the prettiest cutest face and is so cuddly with his soft coat and sits proudly on my desk beside me.
Lily is wonderful in every way, and I am thrilled to have her here with us. I will take excellent care of her. (Thank you Suzanne and Kathy x).
I've also been given some lovely awards for my blog, thank you Wendy for her Friendship Award and Lyn for the Makes My Heart Smile Award. I'm sorry for not being able to follow the award rules for now, but please know that everyone of you that visit me here make my heart smile and I appreciate all your friendships.
I will have a new Bear to show you next week so pop back soon to take a peek. Have a lovely weekend, Hugs, Catherine x
Super blog.
Catherine, I love the way you love the bears.
Pat xx
I'm just glad that you and your family are safe, from the looks of those hail in the freezer, that could really have hurt someone....sending hugs your way catherine!! Jennifer : )
Hail, hail, the Teddybear gang's all here!
That card is SOOOO cute of your bears in their new home offering to come and help you! So cute! :)
You live such a sweet, sweet life Catherine! Hailstones (and storms) aside! :)
OH sweetheart... you really did get the worst of the hailstorm!!! My heart goes out to you... it is hard to see your plants being hurt like that. I'm glad you are okay. Tell me what I can do!!
Oh my goodness, Catherine! What a hail storm! Thank God no one was hurt, but what damage those innocent looking snowy iceballs did. It cracks me up that you put them in the freezer. Maybe you can make a little snowman out of them (or a snow bear, knowing your imagination!) Have a happier week! Warmly, (big bear hugs) Cat ^..^
OMG!! SO sorry your poor home and garden was ravaged by hail! Those hailstones are huge! Hope you are recovering now. The kindness of friends is so sweet...What lovely treats you've received lately. So great to catch up with you here at last Catherine, now we're back from out trip. Many thanks for your lovely comments, email and condolences--they mean a lot. :o) ((HUGS))
Thoze ar amayzing hail stones! that must hav bin a fritenin storm. I don't like big storms. We hide in the cubberd wiv sum pants for emergensy comfort dewring storms.
I sor Halo. She looks very soft an cuddly!
Look at those hail stones!!! Wow!!!
How wonderful, this community of bear makers (mothers/creators), bear adopters (bear parents/family members), and adopted bears (happy little mischief makers/cuddlers/helpers) ... I feel so happy when I stop by your blog and see how this bear community knits itself together with little knitting needles of love ... helping each other out.
I can't believe that the hailstones broke your tiles even! Oh my goodness! Wow.
So glad a charming package arrived just in time to cheer you up. And you are welcome for the award. You really go the extra mile as a blog friend, and I love you for it.
Have a wonderful week!
Love love love,
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