I have also been busy bringing to life this new Print called Story for Two-o-o.. "It had been a long day of adventures as Bear set sleepily off to bed being careful to keep his candle glowing. All through the woods the sound of Owl's Twit.... Two-o-o could be heard. Bear couldn't sleep without his bedtime story from Owl".

This precious print is available in my Etsy Store or directly from me, just send me an email.
Have fun exploring the world of Bumpkin Bears and finding some Bargains. Still busy creating my next Artist Bear, so back to work! Hugs, Catherine x
Loooove this picture!!!! Looove it!!!!
The new picture is adorable! Can't wait to meet your next bear!
oh..... i love love your illustrations! they are soooo lovely... so sweeeeet tooo =D
I love the prints and was just getting into your Story for twooo story and you stopped. hahahahaha
Those are very sweet! :)
Oooo...love the new bedtime bead, Catherine! This one really tells a story...Soo sweet! :o) Best wishes with your great sale. I'm gearing up for a sale too...such are the times for us sellers, 'eh? Happy Days, my friend :o) ((HUGS))
Soooooo sweet Catherine. Love his little slippers and extra long pyjama bottoms!
Hugs, Sarah x
Oooh Catherine... I love your new print!!! It's adorable! And you are very generous putting your prints on sale. I hope your bears get to travel! The bears who are visiting me wish the same sentiments! ;)
your blog is lovely- I have posted about it!!
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