Winston was born on a rather wet, Winters day. Just the kind of day when a warm Bear Hug is the perfect way to pass the time. As the rain battered against the windows Winston cuddled contentedly and fell fast asleep with dreams of all the cuddles and adventures he would have with his new family.
You can see many more photos of him and all his adoption information from my website.

A busy week ahead getting orders ready to send out, working on a commission bear and preparing for my trip to England next week. Don't forget if you would like any Christmas Cards etc sent out before I go, then take a look at my Etsy store this week.
I also went into the city of Antwerp at the weekend, the weather couldn't have been any different, 18c and bright blue skies!! I took some photos of the architecture so pop back soon to take a look. HUGS, Catherine and Winston xx
Oh, still my heart! :o) He is sooo cute, Catherine! I just his expression...he sooo needs to be cuddled and loved! Sounds like you're been having fun these days... And looking forward to seeing the architecture of Antwerp! Happy week, my friend ((BIG HUGS))
What a beautiful face on Winston, I just love him
Oh Catherine, he is so beautiful!! I just love him. What a wonderfully whimsicle face he has. He would be very easy to love I am thinking!
Catherine, Winston is absolutely wonderful!!!
Bingle Bears
Hi Catherine, ooh Winston is adorable! I love him! Honeybeary would surely fall in love with him too! I am hoping Bittybeary arrives today, we are sooo excited for her to get here! Love to you... xoxo Julie Marie and Honeybeary
Oh, Winston is glorious.
He looks like a true gentleman bear. So lovely to see him, after hearing about his creation these past few days :-)
Catherine I am so sorry I haven't been in touch. It's been just hideous with work stress. I absolutely promise I will email tomorrow. Promise, promise, promise.
(Am at my second job now... shouldn't really be 'on here'...!)
Love Charlotte
Winston is a fabulous sweet bear! I'd LOVE to hug him and I'm pretty sure my Kim would love to play with him too ... she soo enjoys staying with my teddies in the attic!!
What a little sweetheart! Enjoy the week ahead!
Hi Catherine! Winston is adorable! I want to reach through my screen and give him a big hug!
I would be thrilled to trade you a little sun for your rain. We have had only one itty bitty rain day in more than six months. Every thing in Southern California is SO dry!
Winston is another beauty! Totally cute and very cuddly.
I can't wait to see the photos!
thankyou for stopping by my blog Catherine, so nice to have you visit!
I am so in love with all your beautiful illustrations, and Winston is just delightful too.
How different the weather can be from one city in the world to another. We had 40degC here yesterday, and today its wet and back down to 20degC.
He is so adorable!
Hi Catherine, thanks for your comment. I had a quick look at your blog yesterday too via Cottontails!! I love you bears, so different to mine but equally as adorable!
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