We woke up this morning to an unexpected white world again, a beautiful pure pure white glistening in the winter sun like a million delicate diamonds. Whilst all the neighbours were madly shoveling it all away, moaning that it is snowing again, I wrapped up warm and sat out on my garden bench to savour this beauty Yes they probably would think I was mad, but I reckon I know who the mad ones are! All the seedheads that I left on my plants were adorned with little white bobble hats! The birds were grateful for the food I give them, they especially love my recycled Christmas Tree! We bought one with roots and instead of just throwing it away after Christmas I put it out on my patio and decorated with seed balls, they think it's great! It looks especially lovely today all edged with white. I sat so quietly that eventually my deer Robin came right up close so I got some wonderful photos, even this one with him just flying off! I get so excited when I capture just the right moment.
Now all back in the warmth, I feel energised from the fresh air and appreciating these little things that I'm ready to carry on with my new Bear. His pattern pieces are sewn up, he can see and today he will get a new nose and ears! So he'll be ready to say hello very soon. Wishing you all fun days whatever the weather! Hugs, Catherine x
DAZZLING photos and most delicious wintry post, Catherine! It's still snowy here, but luckily this week there has been some sunshine--the snow sparkling! Wishing you a lovely week, my friend :o) ((HUGS))
Oh my GOODNESS, look at that sweet robin! THank you for these pictures. Lovely.
We're deep in snow here in Austria, too. And it's still snowing! Cozy days...I'm waiting for the Cranford dvds a dear English friend has sent me so I can really hunker down and hibernate.
Enjoy the snow days!
xo country girl
Absolutely wonderful photos!
... isn't this snow amazing? OMG... we just got buried here last night... I watched my car slowly disappear.
The photos are gorgeous!!! The picture of the bird getting ready to fly away is amazing:)!
The pictures are amazing but that poor little birdie is cold. I hope y'all are keeping warm!
What a GREAT, amazing picture you took, Catherine! Sweet robin! I like the idea of a seed tree very much, I bet your little feathered friends like it too! Can't wait to see your new bear, I posted my last one yesterday, if you like to have a look (and a cute mohair dollie too).
Have fun, and stay warm and cosy, I refused to shovel too ;))
I want to echo what everyone else has said - these photos are just wonderful and capture such moments in time that are so fleeting. I couldn't pick a favorite but any would do in a frame on my wall!
BEAUTIFUL photos!!! How wise of you to take a moment to sit outside and enjoy it.
I just looooove the snow and how pretty it makes everything.
It makes me happy to think of you living a lovely life, sitting in the snow, making beautiful bears, drawing beautiful things ... it inspires me. This month I am drawing much much more often and it is making me happy for me, too.
I made a new blog header out of plastic paint. It just made me happy to make it. Very satisfying to spend some time doing what I love to do.
p.s. I can only imagine that it feels something similar to you. :)
Oh My such beautiful photos.. you really captured their beauty... I really love the one of the sweet Robin with the wings ready for take off..... stay warm..
Hi Catherine,
Gosh that robin photo - that's like professional photographer standard surely. You should enter every competition going with that one... you could win some money for more fat balls!!
Love the Christmas tree thing too. I really, really wanted a pot grown tree that would survive and really fought my corner, but in the end Mike won out and we had one that had been cut. Seemed a bit sad to me.
At least in January - during our snow - we were able to use it on the log fire so it didn't just get thrown away and we had joy out of it until the end.
Love Charlotte
WONDERFUL photos, Catherine! They are all REALLY delightful! And the one of the robin taking off...breathtaking!!
Heaps of Hugs,
Oh, Catherine, your little robin is so precious! How lovely to sit out in the sparkling snow and enjoy his company! Love the photo of Dixter on your sidebar, too. I show your blog to my husband and he was so impressed with your bears – he thought their expressions were incredible. Can't wait to see your new one! Enjoy the snow, my dear! – g ♥
Hi Catherine, thanks for dropping in to say "hi" on my blog, it was lovely to hear from you.
The photo of the Robin in 'take off mode' is wonderful. I love Robins, we don't see too many of them in winter. So sightings are marked on the calender with a big red dot! I can't imagine how nice it would be to wake up and see the countryside blanketed with snow and yes I would be rugged up outside enjoying it instead of shoveling it and moaning aobut it.
you take such beautiful photos! such sweet little birds!
Catherine...I love the snow, and how sparkly and quiet it is just after a fresh snowfall...I would have been right there sitting next to you, enjoying it's loveliness! What a beautiful post, and your photos are gorgeous! xoxo
your wintery photos are wonderful....I love trying to capture some special snow or frosty moments...but, I'm afraid my little sparrows and chickadees are pretty skittish. They flit past and around so speedily.... and never light close enough for an encounter....love your cute little robin...
that robin shot is just stunning wow!
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