A busy week lies ahead, finishing my secret new range and getting ready for a week away back home in England next week. So whilst I'm rushing around I thought you would enjoy these photos I took yesterday at Antwerp Zoo. Looking into the eyes of these animals is always something very special, like you are looking into their souls. There is a year old baby elephant there which was just adorable. More from me soon, but for now, meet these gorgeous friends -

Oh, they ARE lovely! They look healthy. The giraffe is especially astounding. She's smart; I can tell!
Ahh so sweet, I adore elephants and that baby one is so so cute! At least hes there with his family :)
All things nice...
Thank you for visiting my blog...
I love your animal pictures ... they are gorgeous...
ps you are not missing much weather wise in England, where I am, near Winchester rain is forecast for the next three days :( - good for the garden though :)
Baby elephants just tug at my heartstrings! ;o) I'm not much for zoos in general though... just don't like to see creatures in captivity, I suppose. But fun to see these wild beauties! Happy Days are you get ready for your trip and all sorts! ((HUGS))
Hi Catherine, thank you for visiting my blog and your lovely comments. These are fab photos! Here in Kent, I have a constant battle with bindweed too so you're not alone! x
What lovely animals! I love to look at them!! God knew what he was doing when he made them!!
Have a great week!
Hugs, Lisa
Animals are just so incredible aren't they? Lovely shots, do you use a zoom lens to be able to capture that close? The giraffe is super spunky!
Hi again Catherine! Just wanted to say it was (as always)lovely to see your visit to my blog, like you these things brighten my day too. I hope you enjoy your visit back home and soak up all the lovin' that little niece of yours is bound to be giving you!looking foward to hearing about it & seeing pics on your return, travel safely now.xox
Thanks so much Toni and everyone for your kindness. Catherine x
Absolutely fabulous pnotos - love them all - I love a zoo!!! That baby elephant is adorable - (can you cay that about an elephant?)
Oh the Ellies are so gorgeous! They are so amazing and so intelligent. Want to just squeeze the baby ;-)
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