Sunday 8 August 2010

My little piece of England

Living away from England here in Belgium I like to bring England to my home! I love spending time in my garden and recently cleared a little neglected part just off the front lawn. Frustratingly it has got taken over by the worst kind of weeds, bind weed amongst others, from next door, but the battle continues and I have cleared out every possible piece of root I could find four times over the last month! I took some box cuttings about 5 years ago and they have now with all my patience got to the size ok for planting out as a little edging hedge, nearly 30 plants all together! I just LOVE growing plants myself, such a sense of satisfaction. But to fill them in we went for a visit to the garden centre (like a sweet shop to me!) and I got lots of my favourite cottage garden plants that remind me of my Mum and to bring a little piece of England right to my home. They are certainly getting enough water with the season previously known as Summer! I took lots of photos to share with you, so here you go. Catherine x
Cottage Days
Summer skies
So blue as the oceans
A little piece of England


All things nice... said...

Fabulous flowers, love all blue flowers, I have some nice blue hydrangeas in the garden. Lovely photographs

All things nice...

Pom Pom said...

Hi Catherine!
Such lovely color! I'm glad you gave us a glimpse of your pretty little England, in Belgium!

Vicki Boster said...

Simply stunning dear Catherine - so lovely are these flowers. Sometimes the most beautiful things are right outside our front door!


Josephine Tale Peddler said...

Lovely post, Catherine. I love English cottage gardens. xx

Georgianna said...

Gorgeous images, Catherine, and great job on importing a bit of England to your home there. It looks just like a cottage garden! So glad you have it to enjoy. Wishing you a flower filled week. xo – g

Marie Rayner said...

What beautiful pictures Catherine! I especially love the rose! WE all bring a little bit of home with us wherever we may fly don't we! xxoo

Tracy said...

Beautiful photos, Catherine... especially love that last photo of the white rose--*SWOON*... love your little corner of England in Belgium. Having a little something from "home" is important. :o) Happy Week, my friend ((BIG HUGS))

Sarah said...

Oh Catherine I am just the same with garden centres (how I wish I had more money when I visit!). You love the same kind of plants as me too!

Gorgeous images as always.

Hugs, Sarah x

Monica said...

OMG, Catherine! Sooo beautiful! Love cottage gardens, and English ones are my very favorites!
You did a great job!
Thinking of you often.

Unknown said...

so beautiful! so much work but so worth it!