Thursday 19 August 2010

Wildlife at my back door!

Look who visited my garden the other day! I couldn't believe my eyes, I was so sad that it had taken one of the pigeons that hang around here. I actually managed to tip toe outside and hide behind a shrub to get these photos with my zoom lens! I must admit I felt a wee bit scared of this majestic bird, not exactly sure what he is, maybe a Buzzard?

On this very day in the morning we went for a woodland walk and spotted a wild deer up ahead springing away and then also a cute red squirrel running up a tree! What a wildlife day it was! Busy busy here getting ready for my trip back home to England next week for a full week. I've been getting my secret project together, ready to launch when I get back, so you will not have to wait too much longer to meet some new friends! Before I head off we will be watching a procession of giant puppets through Antwerp on Saturday so I'll be taking my camera along to share with you. See you soon, Catherine x


sassypackrat said...

That's a hawk. I saw one in the park yesterday while walking my dog.

hanmade said...

hi catherine, think maybe it's a goshawk?! they look very similar to a buzzard. great snap, sad about it pinching the pigeon!
looking forward to finding out more on your secret project ;0) han xx

Bumpkin Hill said...

thanks for letting me know what it was, pretty scary!

Georgianna said...

Hi Catherine – wow, amazing! You've certainly had some wildlife adventures lately! Yes, I would also say a hawk, also. They are becoming abundant here, too. Not only hawks, but bald eagles, who were once nearly extinct, are a very common sight, even in the city neighborhoods. I'm so excited for you for your trip to England. I hope you have wonderful weather and a beautiful trip in every way! hugs. xo – g

Cottage Rose said...

Wow what a great photo,,,


Tracy said...

Looks like a hawk--WOW! Majestic creature... but poor pigeon :o( Such is wildlife...*sigh*...Wishing you fun days now as you prepare for your trip, Catherine--safe & happy travels! :o) ((BIG HUGS))

Jackie said...

Amazing. We would love to see that in our yard. Oh wait a minute...I take that back. I forgot we have 3 cats. One is very small and can easily be taken by such a creature.

koralee said...

Wow....I am sure that is a is beautiful!

Isn't it so neat you looked when you did or you could of missed him completely...I guess you would have seen the poor pigeons feathers.

Hugs for a great weekend...xoxo

Pom Pom said...

Great photo, Catherine! I can't wait to see the secret project.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What wonderful photos of that beautiful hawk...look at the detail of his stripes! Awesome! ♥

Vicki Boster said...

What a beautiful bird dear Catherine - I agree I think it is a hawk - such beauty!

I am getting excited about your new project~~~

(I have one too!!!)


Sarah said...

I can't decide whether it's a hawk or buzzard! I will ask my more knowledgeable other half when he's home!

Poor pigeon! We usually find the remains of pigeons on our back lawn due to birds of prey. I suppose that's why they say nature is 'red in tooth and claw' :(

Hugs, Sarah x

Unknown said...

Hope you're having a great time in England honey.
And I'm interested to see what your secret project is!
Kathryn xx

Sue said...


That is a hawk. Buzzards are absolutely huge when close up, we have a breeding pair near the farm. Thanks for visiting my Blog and leaving a comment.

Sue xx