With Christmas on the way and Winter setting in on this side of the world I always love to have craft projects on the go, something very comforting about that, of course accompanied by a cup of tea! So I hope too that this Pattern will bring you lots of fun and cosy comfort whatever the season. Even better still it is a PDF pattern so I will send it hopping right into your email box, no shipping costs and no waiting for the post to arrive. Yipeee, let the fun begin!

A big thank you must also go out to Nicole of Follow The White Bunny for her help and encouragement, she creates the most gorgeous embroidery patterns.
I have got so many new items to share with you my head is spinning, but I felt that this Bunny and her Pattern deserved their own post so the other friends will be waiting patiently in the wings to be introduced, hopefully tomorrow. Hugs, Catherine x
Catherine, How wonderful is that?! I LOVE it! My youngest daughter is seriously considering getting one.
Hi Catherine,
That is so cute! I love the bunny sitting inside the teacups; charming indeed! Have a wonderful day.
OO,this is sooooo cute....love it..
That is so beautiful.
Nina x
I like that idea!! I've done a bit of cross-stitching, but not much embroidery. It's a very cute pattern. Can't wait to see the others! :-)
Lovely work, Catherine!
I used to do a little bit of embroidery as a teenager and you have brought back some good memories,
Susan x
Gorgeous pattern, very sweet! Thank you for the kind words too :)
Oh so sweet, I've added it to my Christmas shopping list, my mum would love a stocking stuffer like this - she loves real embroidery, and positively loathes cross-stitch, so this will be right up her street :o)
I am in love!!!!!! This is my favourite print (aside from Libby's special one)... Too bad I don;t know how to embroide... maybe I should learn!
p.s I have a new blog!
So very precious! I love it! The colors are so happy.
Catherine, how very adorable and sweet! xxoo
VERY, VERY sweet, Catherine--what a great idea! I love the colors you're worked this one in too. It's been a while since I've been doing embroidery...I should get my needles going with some of that again! ;o) Look forward to seeing other designs you'll be creating/offering. Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))
so adorable! you did a fantistic job! i love it! big huggs!
It looks lovely Catherine. I'm tempted to say I'll have a go, but I know how many other things I say that about and never find the time you know? But I want to. It's really lovely!
Such a lovely Tea time design! Great work!
Best wishes,
I love that you have this as an embroidery pattern now! So cute! I think I will have to go back to your etsy page to order that!
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that the cards and magnets arrived yesterday and I LOVE them!!
Thanks so much!! -Gayle
This is a wonderful pattern. It makes me want to dig out my needles and floss.
This is Lovely ... on my way to your store ;-) !
Hope to see other embroidery designs in the near
future !
Hello !
We are VINA LINEN hand embroidery workshop in Vietnam.
We offer hand embroidered home linen, only hand made
our new catalog 2011 is available:
and visit us.
Thai LOI
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