Just as I began to think the sunshine would never show its cheery face again today we have bright blue skies and the very first crocuses have opened up as the sun warms their petals! I had to share these with you, yes in this part of the world there is hope, Spring is on its way!

Right back to work, custom bear, embroidery pattern creation, new illustrations being sketched..... Lots to share soon, Catherine x
Such pretty spring blooms! All is buried in snow here but I remain hopeful! I love the LOVE month so I am accepting the snow. Can't wait to see the new things you are creating!
Our rain comes in winter, summer is very dry and everyone looks forward to the rains. O course we don't get snow but a few days ago we had our first autumn rains and everything is beginning to turn green, our flowers will be in full bloom early this year I think. You take really good pictures by the way. God bless, Geoff.
Thank you so much for sharing the sunshine with us. Boy! Did I need it today!! :-]It's snowing...snowing...snowing again! Nice to see the crocuses and to know Spring really is coming back again...somewhere!! ^_^
Oh, how wonderful crocus in bloom.... This is a great sight for my winter sore eyes! We just had more snow last night... blooms in the garden are weeks & weeks away yet...*sigh*.. Happy Days, Catherine ((HUGS))
Hi Catherine! Those are lovely signs of spring...we are still getting snowed on... but the sun has shown through a few times today. have a great day! hugs, Jennifer
How beautifully refreshing! Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful!!! You beat us! Ours are just poking up out of the ground.
So glad you have sunshine to give you an extra boost in all your activities. :)
Such a lovely flowers :) lucky you, we'll see them not earlier than March.
Best wishes,
Made me smile today. Thank you, your bears and the vintage feel is adorable!
Lovely pics Catherine - so pretty. I have just been down the garden to pick an apple twig for Humphrey (not that he is grateful - he wants toast) and saw snowdrops and other little flowers poking their heads out :)
yay spring!
Beautiful photos Catherine.
We are having the odd day here and there of sunshine in the UK!
Spring is certainly on it's way. Lovely to see things popping up in the garden.
Hugs, Sarah x
I hope Spring hurries for you, Winter does seem to take his time to leave. x
Rather like this today. Your photos are absolutely stunning! Spring really is only just around the corner. x
the promise of spring~~
we have little crocus and snowdrop blooms in our gardens as well. It gives me great hope that Spring is just around the corner!
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