Wednesday 6 April 2011


Just this time last week we were swimming in the Red Sea in Egypt! Yes, we escaped for a very last minute week of rest and relaxation, booking an amazingly good deal just 2 days before leaving! The Red Sea was just sublime, crystal clear waters with the most amazing coral reef right near the shore. We could walk out up to our middles in the Sea and had beautiful tropical stripey, brightly coloured fish swimming around us, totally surreal! Although it is still winter there it was around 35c each day with a lovely breeze through the palm trees. So I hope I can share some of this escapism and warmth with each of you, my friends, of which I treasure each visit you make here.  

(Look at those long nosed fish!)

Since back I have been busy working on a new Blog design with a wider page, could you let me know if you can see everything ok and if you have any problems?  Just today I finished a new commission Bear so will share lots more photos soon, Hugs, Catherine x


Doriane said...

What beautiful pictures, you're so lucky ! Your new blog layout is very cute and everyting looks ok to me ^_^

PoetessWug said...

The photos look like you had a really great spot to get away to for a nice vacation!...And I love the new wider page. Very nice!

Katy Cameron said...

What a fabulous escape, and yep, the new blog layout looks great

Miss Hillbilly said...

You are making the entire blog world jealous today. :)

ginger@bearbits said...

If I could only transport myself into your photos instantly, I think I would find myself dozing lazily under the umbrella, feeling the breeze(?), and soaking up that lovely sunshine.

Thanks for the dream!


♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Oh my....a well deserved break lovely friend!
Love the pretty new shop banner too,
Susan x

Debora Hoffmann said...

Wow! What a lovely place! Thank you for sharing. I'm glad you had such a nice warm vacation!

I like your new blog. Haven't noticed anything amiss yet.

Tracy said...

BLISS... all that sun & sea looks like a slice of heaven! No doubt you had a lovely, relaxing time... So glad you had the chance of a last-minute get away--those are always such fun! LOVE the new look here. It is so pretty & festive--perfect for spring. :o) Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))

The Painted Garden said...

What a beautiful place for a vacation. Thank you for sharing.
Have a wonderful day.

Vicki Boster said...

Catherine- I am back to look at these gorgeous photos again- I think I have been here 4 times already. The Red sea- I cannot even imagine- that is such a faraway and exotic place to me. Absolutely- these photos are beyond beautiful. What a wonderful time you must have had.

A special hug to you right now-

Dear Lillie said...

What gorgeous pictures. I am incredibly jealous! =)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful getaway!!! Crystal clear waters... Love it!!!