Saturday 21 May 2011

Dream Studio

Recently we went to a wonderful Garden Fair held in this place. I took lots of photos which I'll share with you over the coming week, firstly I thought I'd start with some wonderfully cosy places I could imagine becoming my dream studio, nestled in amongst a cottage garden! One can always dream! How about you, would you like to create your own little world to escape to in these?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Catherine x


PoetessWug said...

Oooo! How cute!! I could really get lost in a place like this...filled with yarn supplies and stationary!! :-)

Katy Cameron said...

Oh I would so love an escape like that, I'd make it into my craft home. Of course I'd need a house with a garden to put it into first. Details, details...

Unknown said...

Those are adorable, but would all my supplies actually fit is the question!lol.

periwinkle said...

Oh I would love somewhere like these also ... somewhere just for me . bliss

monkeemoomoo said...

I love this. Yes I dream, dream, dream of a little creative space for me just like this:) One day...

Lyn said...

Oh how cosy is that - who wouldn't want to escape to that:o))
Take care and have a good weekend.
Hugs Lyn x

Joanne@ Desertmountainbear said...

Wouldn't it be wonderful. I can just imagine. I would love to have a cozy spot outside of the house to work. It would keep my mind on bear work instead of housework.

jen said...

C, your bunnies do make me smile!!
Thankyou, Jenx

The Dutchess said...

Wow...this would look nice on the Hilltop....Love your art my dear...
Stay warm and stay happy..big hug from all of us..T.D and Company.

Monica said...

Ahhhh! I want one!!!!!!!!! A thatched cottage with a colorful garden, too, please!
Big hugs,
Monica xo

Sarah said...

Looks like a fabulous place!

I rather like the gypsy caravan AND I could fit it in my garden! Would look lovely with my chickens rootling around it :)

Hugs, Sarah x