This wee little bunny is brought to life with a lovely tatty Schulte mohair and I gave her a little hand shaded pink nose. She always likes to look her best for tea parties with the bears so I gave her a sweet lacey bow. She was created with a customer's sweet black bunny in mind called Molly Hopper, so she is already hopping her way to her new home where I know she will be very loved.
I have also just finished a special commissioned bear who I have also made some cute dungarees (overalls in the US I think!) for. Photos coming soon :) It's a busy week as I'm packing for a holiday to .... Scotland - yipeeeeeeee. As many of you know my Grandmother's side of the family are Scottish so this is going to be such fun. Hugs, Catherine x
Sooo cute, Catherine--just love her, and that lacy bow! Really love your miniatures. :o) Have a wonderful time in Scotland--take lots of photos! Happy Day, my friend ((HUGS))
Precious little bunny!
Awww...that bunny is darling! :)
What a little darling! Gorgeous!
I hope the sun shines for you in Scotland, don't forget the insect repellent if you are going into the countryside! Those midges bite at this time of year!
Miss Molly Hopper is absolutely adorable! Aww... her new owner will love her.
Have fun in the UK.
Lov the bunny in black!!! Susan
oh Katherine, I adore her!! what a little lovey....have a nice trip!!! hugs, Jennifer
For cuteness!
You are good.
Oh! And I am SO glad you are going to Scotland. I know that I am going to enjoy seeing the pictures VERY much.
Happily anticipating your return!
Sooo cute, I love your little critters Cath!!!
Hey, I just tagged you ;) For the one lovely blog award :) XX
what an adorable itty bitty bunny.. I just luv her to bits!!
She's beautiful!
What a lovely itty bitty bunny. Love her.....
Beary Hugs
Hillary Rose
The House Of Genista
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