For those that have seen the Miss Potter movie you will know that she bought Hill Top in 1905, at a very sad time of her life when she had just lost her fiance to a sudden illness. She bought Hill Top with the royalties from her first few books, written at her parents home in London, but inspired by her annual holiday visits to the Lake District. She visited as often as she could, but never for more than a few days at a time, sketching the house, garden, countryside and animals for her new books. After she bought the farm, she busied herself writing more books and running the farm. Beatrix wrote many of her famous children's stories in this little 17th century stone house. Characters such as Tom Kitten, Samuel Whiskers and Jemima Puddleduck were all created here, and the books contain many pictures based on the house and garden.
I took lots and lots of photos of the house, village, bunnies and gardens (more than 40) which I have put on my Flickr page. Just click on the red text to get to Flickr and then click on the first photo of the set and follow my journey :) I hope you have a good time!

We also visited the Potter Gallery, full of original illustrations as well as the beautiful farmhouse that was used as Hill Top in the Miss Potter movie, it was also owned my Beatrix and was so sweet. More photos coming soon! Yesterday I started on a new bear inspired by the beautiful beaches on the West Coast of Scotland! I have also been busy drawing, who could not be inspired having been in the home of Beatrix Potter! Hugs, Catherine x
That's so cool! I just saw Miss Potter for the first time recently and liked it a lot.
ah, jealousy overwhelms me!!! LOL, I hope you are having a fantastic time!! Been waiting for you to return for the piccies ;) XX
Hi, Catherine! Such fun to see you there at Hill Top! Hill Top... oh, I dream of seeing it one day too! Thank you for taking me there in the meantime through your words and photos. :o) Ooo...now I want to watch "Miss Potter" again...LOL! Happy weekend, my friend ((HUGS))
Oooooo! Hill Top Farm is one of my dream places to visit--actually I think it's my whole family's dream to go there someday! Thank you so much for sharing your pictures. I'm glad you had fun and felt inspired!
It's beautiful! Can't wait to see more:).
Oh, that looks like such a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing.
What an exciting adventure...I have always love Beatrix. Your bears and art work are just scrumptious.
Warmest Blessings,
Bramblewood Bears
Oh, Beatrix Potter's home! I have been reading the fiction stories based on her life (maybe that's where the movie comes from).
Did you know that an original Peter Rabbit doll is on disply at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London? Eleanor Elizabeth just had to have her photo taken with him!
Just as my mother used to read me those stories, I have read them to my own children.
Oh my, it brought back delicious memories of my mother reading to us of Peter Rabbit and crew as we drifted off to sleep...and something I continued with my own boys and now my boys continue the tradition...thanks for this very personal picture of a place I always dreamt about...congrats on POTD mention from David!
This is very cool!
I had to pop back over and congratulate you on your mention on David's POTD awards! Hurray for Bumpkin Bears!
over from david's POTD. Very interesting post. Never been there.
Congratulations for nomination to POTD.
Very neat! Congrats on the Post of the Day Award!
Dear Catherine, I'm sorry for having been away for such a long time... real life is demanding my time and energy completely.
It is always such a pleasure having you visit!
I know this place quite well, as my best English friend lives in the Lake District...;))!!!!! We have been knowing each other for 20 years so far, and I stayed at her home too. I remember those places with affection.
I will catch up later with all your Flicr pictures. As for now, thanks for this stroll down memory lane!!
Hi Catherine,
How wonderful that you got to go and visit Beatrix Potters house.
What fun!
I loved visiting and seeing your photos. thank you.
I loved our visit to Hill Top. I would definitely visit again, given half the chance. Unfortunately the day we visited the house wasn't open, but we had a lovely walk around the garden, took lots of photos, and bought a memento from the souvenir shop. x
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